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Robin 3D Radar Bird-Detection System

Product profile and purpose

Robin 3D radar bird-detection system is a world-leading radar bird-detection system, and it consists of horizontal antenna and transmitting /receiving unit, vertical antenna and transmitting /receiving unit, data processing and monitoring equipment, external display and system software, etc. Robin 3D radar bird-detection system adopts all-weather and automatic operation mode, and is characterized by good bird-detection performance, strong clutter processing capacity, low false-alarm probability, and great reliability, etc. It is widely applicable to bird strike prevention in civilian and military airports, bird protection of wind farms, space launch security and so on, and has been applied in many European countries.


System composition


Robin 3D radar bird-detection system can come into networked use with Directional sonic bird repeller, omnidirectional sonic bird repeller, laser bird repeller and other equipment, form an integrated system of bird-detection and bird-repelling, and realize the whole-system, automatic, and unattended operation mode. It has enhanced the bird-repelling timeliness, pertinence and effectiveness, and can greatly improve flight safety in the airports.


Radar beam coverage diagram


Display Picture of Radar PPI

Main detection performance

Detection range


10 km


2 km

Maximum detection distance (depending on the observation angle, atmosphere, interference and other factors)

Small songbirds

2 ~ 4 km

Medium-sized birds

4 ~ 6 km

Flocks of (large) birds

6 ~ 10 km

Main characteristics of product

l  It can make real-time acquisition of the distance, direction, speed, altitude, motion trajectory and other information of bird targets, and can judge and classify the birds by their size.

l It can make real-time acquisition and storage of data, and has the strong function of analyzing the birds activity regularity, displaying the statistical chart and generating report, and is suitable for grasping the rules of seasonal, meteorological factors and activity areas of bird activities such as migration, foraging, wintering and night dwelling, etc.

l  It supports remote artificial monitoring and technical support.

l  It supports wireless display terminal, and is easy for the airport to make real-time patrol and bird-repelling.


Fixed erection diagram of the system

Product display

Robin 3D radar bird-detection system product currently has three different erection modes that are optional to the users, which can also be customized according to the user requirements. The physical product is as shown below. 


                       3D fixed type                                3D mobile trailer type                          3D vehicle-mounted type          

Bird-activity-situation service

l  It makes comprehensive bird-activity-situation survey of new airports, evaluate hazard level of different kinds of birds to the airport, and determines the bird type of key prevention and control. It collects and analyzes the bird-activity-situation information, provides professional bird-activity-situation survey report, and provides suggestions and measures for ecological bird-repelling.

l  By using Robin 3D bird-detection radars long-term 24h real-time bird-activity-situation monitoring of key areas of the airport, it determines the bird type of key prevention and control in different seasons, daytime and nighttime, etc., and provides long-term bird-activity-situation monitoring dynamics of the airport.

l  Regarding hazardous bird types in different periods of the airport, it provides professional suggestions for bird-repelling.

l In terms of scientific research, it can provide long-term bird-activity-situation monitoring in the research area (especially the research on migrating birds), and provide long-term monitoring report.

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