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BD2 Attitude and Direction-Finding System

Product profile and purpose

It consists of front antenna, rear antenna, connecting cable and host, and its purpose is to substitute the original gyroscope north finder, so as to reduce the cost and increase GPS characteristic parameters, as well as increase the use reliability and improve the north-finding accuracy. It is compatible with the original installation dimension, and can reliably output and display the north-finding angle and other data.


Application diagram


  Measurement button for north-finding.

  Directional measurement pulse for north-finding.

  Serial port of the upper computer sends command for north-finding.

  North-finding angle and parameter display.

  North-finding angle and parameter serial output.

  Fault alarm and display.


Physical product

Technical indicators

Weakness-finding accuracy

≤ 0.1°(1σ) (baseline length ≥ 2.5 m)

Measurement range

0-360°, the angle clockwise from due north

North-finding time

≤ 3min

Absolute error

≤ 0.1°(1σ) (baseline length ≥ 2.5 m)

Positional accuracy

≤ 3m (CEP autonomous, no AS)

Altitude accuracy

≤ 10m

Pitching accuracy

≤ 0.2°

Speed accuracy

≤ 0.02m/s

Electrical characteristics

AC220V±10% 50Hz


≤ 8W


Host equipment: 260mm×194mm×70mm; installation distance between front and rear antennas: ≥ 2500mm


≤ 2Kg

 Operating temperature

-40℃ ~+65℃

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