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Vehicle-mounted satellite communication system

Product profile and purpose

The vehicle-mounted satellite communication system uses software radio technology of completely independent intellectual property right, and can support networking modes such as SCPC/FDMA, TDMA and CDMA, etc. It is characterized by low operating threshold, fast synchronization, high transmission efficiency, and high-speed burst. Communication terminal is highly integrated, and has a variety of encryptor interface.


Application diagram

Main technical parameters 

 Modulation mode QPSK/BPSK、8PSK、16APSK、32APSK
 FEC Convolution, Turbo or LDPC
 Symbol rate Adjustable within 96Ksps-30Msps
 Burst synchronization ≤ 32 symbols
 Demodulation threshold Continuous mode: 1.5dB, Burst mode: 2dB@ Bit error rate: 10E-6

Video interface (optional)

PAL Composite video or VGA interface

 Video compression format (optional) H.265
 Audio interface (optional) Analog audio, 2.4K/8K encoding
 Data interface 100M Ethernet, RS422 interface
 Operating temperature -40℃ ~+55℃

Main characteristics

●  Completely independent intellectual property right: It is safe and reliable. All design and engineering implementations are independently developed. It adopts software radio technology, grasps all technological details, and can make adaptive changes to the application.

  Low operating threshold: It is around 2dB lower than that of domestic competitors. There is a strict requirement for volume and weight of airborne satellite communication antenna, and low threshold can be used to reduce the power amplifier or the antenna aperture. Under the same condition, the lower the demodulation threshold, the more link margin, and the greater reliability, that is, in remote areas with poor satellite coverage, the system is of greater availability; or higher data rate of transmission, and greater channel capacity.

  High utilization rate of frequency spectrum: Roll-off factor of the filter is 0.15, which is 0.4 or 0.5 for other domestic products, therefore, it can save the satellite resource.

  Low density of power spectrum: Low threshold means low transmit power, and low density of power spectrum. It can also further reduce density of power spectrum by spread spectrum (SPSP), so as to prevent adjacent satellite interference, and increase availability of the system.

  High level of integration: Multiple functions are integrated in one circuit board, which can effectively reduce the volume and weight. It can support simultaneous transmission of dual-channel video, voice and data.

Appearance of physical product

Internal part of physical product

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