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Polarization Imaging System

Product profile and purpose

Polarization imaging system adopts advanced polarized light imaging technique, and compared with traditional optical detection system, it can obtain clearer images of the target under bad weather conditions such as haze, can effectively detect camouflaged targets, and accurately identify detailed characteristics of the target. It can be used in airborne, ship-borne, vehicle-mounted, individual soldier and many other detection platforms, and can acquire energy information and direction information of the target at the same time.

System composition

The polarization imaging system mainly consists of polarization imaging optical system, detector, polarization image fast acquisition module, polarization image receiving, processing and analysis module and so on.


System composition diagram


Physical product


  Acquisition of multiple spectral bands, and polarized raw images in multiple polarization directions.

  Calculated output of 5 polarization parameters.

  Output of polarization degree and polarization angle image.

●  Output of polarization degree and polarization angle value in any area.

  Output of polarization pseudo-color image.

●  Analysis of polarization information.

  Detection of target characteristics.

Performance indicators (can be customized as required)

  Operating distance: 0.5 m-16 Km (which can be designed according to application requirements).

  Imaging band: Visible light - far infrared light (multiple wave bands can be designed).

  Resolution: 782*582.

  Field angle: 10*8°.

  It has the advantages of small volume, light weight and so on, and can be modified based on the existing optical detection system.

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