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UMV Dedicated Satellite Navigation Receiver

Product profile and purpose

UMV satellite navigation receiver is to make wireless link between the airborne and ground equipment, thus making real-time differential and accurate confirmation of actual position of UMV.


Main characteristics

It is of small volume, beautiful outlook and great reliability, and is applicable to high-speed mobile UMV system and fields.

Technical indicators

Operating frequency-point


1268.52 MHz 10.23MHz

Anti-narrow-band interference capacity

B3 frequency-point anti-narrow-band interference ≥ 60dB

Dynamic measurement range


≤ 100m/s

Accelerated speed

≤ 1g

Positioning time

Cold startup time

≤ 60s (C/A code, P code) (1σ)

Recapture time

≤ 2s (lock-losing time ≤ 30s)

Measurement accuracy

Single-point accuracy

Horizontal 4m (1σ), vertical 6m (1σ), speed accuracy 0.1m/s (1σ)

Differential accuracy

Horizontal 1m (1σ), vertical 1m (1σ), speed accuracy 0.05m/s (1σ)

Data output frequency

Second pulse: frequency

1Hz; accuracy: 20ns (1σ) Update rate of satellite navigation information: 10Hz

Airborne equipment

Power supply interface

One power supply input interface: input voltage of 5V±0.5V

PPS second pulse interface

1 PPS second pulse output interface, outputting RS422 PPS information

Receive differential information

1 interface, receiving ground differential information, bi-directional RS422, Baud rate: 115200bps

CAN bus interface

One CAN bus interface, Baud rate: 500kbps, bi-directional CAN bus, outputting satellite navigation information to flight control computer

Ground equipment

Power supply interface

One power supply input interface: input voltage of 9V-32V


PPS second pulse interface

1 PPS second pulse output interface, outputting RS422 PPS information

Send differential information

1 interface, sending ground differential information, bi-directional RS232_ A, Baud rate: 115200bps

Send benchmark information to ground computer

1 interface, sending benchmark information, bi-directional RS232_ B, Baud rate: 115200bps

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